Posted by: Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Written by: Miriam Ikunaiye
Racial discrimination can cause extraordinary harm to individuals and society alike, and have lasting consequences for future generations. Racism, one of the worst and persistent social evils is on the rise and people of African descent are still the most ‘vulnerable’ group.
An immigrant (inset) from Mali killed by KKK in St Petersburg, Russia. Dozens more have been targeted by neo-Nazi groups.
A Cameroonian student from a Russian university lay dead in his own pool of blood on a chili night on the street of St.Petersburg while others receive severe injuries.
"Several Cameroonians were walking to their hostel when they were attacked by about 10 men. One of the students died of a throat wound, another was rushed to hospital in a severe condition. The murdered student only arrived in Russia two months ago for his higher education program."
At least 24 Haitians suffocated and others were injured when they were crammed in the back of a van that smuggled them into the Dominican Republic north zone on Jan. 11, 2006. "Haitians say they pay Dominican smugglers between 60 and 70 US dollars to take them across the 286-km-long border" (EPA)
African immigrants living on the street in Spain after narrowly missing death in the enclave of Ceuta.
The Russian Hate Mongers
"St. Petersburg, Russia -- During rare moments of clarity, Leandre Sawadogo recalls the man who assaulted him, smashing his skull, injuring his brain and dimming his mind: a young, white man with a shaved head.
But most of the time Sawadogo, a 39-year-old former tutor of French from the small West African nation of Burkina Faso, is unconscious, or moaning in his sleep on a fold-out couch in a stuffy room that smells of sweat, medicine and urine. A piece of skull the size of a fist is missing above his right temple. His left arm is paralyzed. His left eye does not open. He cannot sit, stand or walk. He rarely recognizes his visitors or his girlfriend. It is not clear how much longer he will live."
Recently, on the news headlines is the burning death of West African immigrants in France that results to days of rioting. Since then there have been on going killing of blacks in the Spanish enclave, Island of Malta, China, England and Russia, to mention but few. All claim economic factor as the reason for the evil perpetrated against immigrants. I don’t buy it. Racism is a deadly virus that mutates and replicates itself only to show up in a larger form at the slimmest opportunity. No matter the economic viability, these losers will still be out there committing atrocious acts.
According to the content of the CNN video clip (no longer available) on the "Russian KKK," it appears to have become a trend to take to the street and randomly pick on innocent human beings and beat them to death, including children. It is unfortunate that stories like this one does not get the attention it deserve until it becomes deadly. Don't be surprise that this matter gain attention only because the hate crime has extended to the Russian Jewish immigrants.
I sometimes wonder why we are the target group; the one that are most likely to suffer humiliating treatment, beatings, shooting deaths, disproportionate prosecutions and severe sentences on criminal charges. The answer (s) is not as simple as mere exploitation of one group by another group for the purpose of social or economic advantage. The truth of the matter is, the deeper value and belief systems that under-gird racism is yet to be confronted. Also, part of the reason racism persists is because focus have always been on the difference of skin color and biological supremacy alone. Racism will persist in human hearts as long as it satisfies the felt needs of people—such as the need to feel superior to others.
Hard working human beings, forced out of there own countries to seek economic, religious or political refuge, only to become immigrants perceived by some as 'pests'. After walking hundreds of miles with blistered heels, eat flees, drink stagnant water and sleep on the bare dirt in the woods months at a time. Just after missing the flying bullets of the boarder patrol in the day, by night, they take cover in the caves. Some, too young to withstand the hardship simply sleep and never wake up. Those who finally make it across only to be confronted with yet another brutality. This brings tears to my eyes. Certainly, the Russian KKK are unaware of many Russians and other white folks living comfortably in Africa.
The irony is, till this day, when one walks into many hotels and restaurants in Africa with Caucasian friends, one is immediately confronted with discrimination. This time, the discrimination is coming from one's very own people. The Caucasians gets all the attention and get served before one’s presence is acknowledged —a socially impacting, and psychologically dehumanizing legacy of colonization. Only when people can be shown that a continued attitude, action, and belief will prove to be destructive to their well-being, will they be willing to consider an alternate course of action. We know that things get done when we make lots of noise long enough.
Therefore, readers of this article please let us do ourselves a favor by sending emails, fax or pick up the phone and call the Russian Embassy, UN, Amnesty International. Do not speak to the operator; demand to speak with the officials in charge of immigration. Voice your opinion; tell them that the Russian governments are doing too little in protecting immigrants. Do not forget to ask "if they’d wish the same treatment on their citizens living in Africa." The more calls they receive the more effective the message. We've had so many people called different agencies in regards to this matter. So, please call.
Improve your quality of life by taking action on behalf of the defenseless. Please make this call now. or else, we will never learn to fight our own fights?
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Thursday, November 09, 2006
"Qoute Me Not" - Russian KKK
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Thursday, November 09, 2006
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