Posted by: Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Written by: Miriam Ikunaiye
As we celebrate mother’s day, we remember all mothers faced with different circumstances around the world.
Motherhood: the world’s toughest job; yet simplified by love. The art of motherhood can not be monetarily valued. The skill is naturally acquired and the craft is applied with passion.
The world now knows that it is not just bearing a child that makes one a mother. To be a mother is: to nurture relentlessly; to love and to display unconditional and unending affection; to teach softly but firmly; in line with the surrounding norms, to be approachable and be there at all time for that (offspring) which you raise in love; alive or in death. To be a mother is to give ‘ALL’ all the time. Many mothers have given their ‘ALL’ including their lives while performing their priceless duty.
Complications from childbirth are still the leading cause of death for women and girls in developing nations, according to UNICEF, which calls the statistics "a shameful record of discrimination and apathy toward women and their rights."
Each day, 1,400 women die from childbirth-related causes, and 99 percent of them live in developing countries, says UNICEF.
In 17 countries, women face at least a 1-in-10 chance of dying from pregnancy-related causes sometime during their lives. But in 16 countries the lifetime risk is 1 in 4,000 or less. Complications from pregnancy and childbirth kill about 585,000 women each year. A woman faces that danger each time she becomes pregnant, so the more pregnancies she has, the greater the total risk. Lifetime risk of maternal mortality is based on both the risk of dying from maternal causes and the average number of births. No public health problem shows greater disparity between rich and poor countries than maternal mortality.
In many places around the world, mothers are the sole caretaker of their offspring. As in many countries where under age girls are still forced to marry men more than twice their age, because there is no law in place protecting children and women. Some of these child molesters who with pride, perpetrate this act of inhumanity calls it religious doctrine. A 36 year-old scum bag, got married to 15 year-old girl, forced her into motherhood and then abandoned her. While he moved on in search of another virgin victim, the child-mother is left to fend for herself and her children. In poor countries, a child mother is more likely to die young than a girl of the same age without children.
To all single moms that are raising children while struggling on the daily basis with no emotional or financial support. To all Divorced moms trying hard to live one day at a time and trying to make the best for their children. To all adoptive moms that are juggling profession with child care. To all types of hard working moms; the world will never be the same without you –I inclusive. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO US.
Far Away from Mom
Oh! Gentle touch of a mother
The soothing and healing from
The touch of her hand
Oh! Gentle touch of a mother
So comforting and cuddly
While tucking me in at night
Sweet mother Sweet
Her presence is my security
Her smile is my hope
Her soft voice is my confidence
Oh! Gentle touch of a mother
Sweet Memories of a loving mother
Who dares deprive a child off it?
By Miriam Ikunaiye
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Happy Mother's Day
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Thursday, November 09, 2006
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