Sunday, June 03, 2012

Focus Effort and Determination is the map road to Success:

My fellow distinguished members of Egbira Vonya International; I would advise you to read between the lines when people who are messengers of the devils calls came in ringing your phone. They would tell you how EVI is not real. Tell them to Google EVI and they can decide for themselves. What EVI stood for is not hidden is all there in the open.  Devilish people are all in our mist their mission is to look for week minds that they can easily twist. Majority of you are smarter 10 times than them. How many real EVI members have called anyone since the beginning of this turmoil trying to twist the mouth, hands and minds of any members of an organization of why they should not belong to EVI or other organization? This is the daily bread of one of our local organization. And they know themselves.

If they are real as they claimed. Why do they need hand and mouth twisting? They should allow free mind people to reason and make up their minds. A healthy organization is an organization that allows its members to be a free thinker not the one when you talk, is immediately seen as an enemy. We are in a global society where individual has direct or indirect impact in our society. Why then do we have to engage in lies? Instead of them to focus on what we can all do as an organization to flourish to ensure the menace that has permeated our Nation is dealt with by thinking of concrete programs and a combined efforts from every organization in our land to look for a way forward. I cannot believe that some of this people would call some members of this distinguished organization that has been in inception since 2004 and lied to our members that the Scholarship and the help for admission into University of Ilorin were all untrue.  What would they gain by their pure lies and evil minds?
If as they claimed, the scholarship that EVI awarded in 2008 and those who are the recipients of those scholarship who are students in Ahmadu Bello University and Federal University of Science and Technology Mina who are in 400 levels as we speak are not real. That must also be untrue by their virtue of deceits. EVI operates on concrete evidence not bunch of lies manufactured by some other organizations. Whatever you are told by this hateful sets of human being you must use your deductive reasoning skills to figure out how myopic their fact and findings are.
I urge all the members of this able organization to remain focus on our mission, Let the devils continue their devilish mission at the end of the day, they would all scatter, God almighty does not like ugly, whatever ugly you conceived in your minds and hearts all would turn to vanity.   
Focus, effort and determination should be our guiding principle that we can do anything we put our minds and hearts to do in this world.  Therefore, success shall surely be our portion in this our journey by God’s will. Let me hear you say Amen before you start commenting. Long live Egbira Vonya International and Long Live Ohiku Descendants Union, the unity we seek would eventually become the corner stone of our Nation vibrant economy, let us denounce all sorts of hate messages and focus on real achievements. May God bless us all!

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