Written By: Halimat Omengwu Siyaka, Ebira, Nigeria
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi, New York, USA.
I should be considered for the scholarship for the following reasons:
I graduated from a reputable school (Ebira Community Secondary School Ogaminana) which has no record of examination malpractises with credits in all my subjects in the year 2007. I am a science student and the secretary of Junior Engineering Technicians and Science club (JETS) when I was in school. I have the aim of contributing to development of science and technology in Ebira land, Nigeria and the world at large. I intend to study pharmacy in the university and become a practising pharmacist so as to help my people and country.I am currently a desktop publishing student in Micronet International Computer Institute In Shasha Lagos state since the knowledge of computer is very vital in all human endevours.
I'm sure that if I am considered for the scholarship, I will realise my dream of becoming a legend to my generation who almost lost the hope of developing their talents because dreams do not seams to come true in this part of the country.I will also prove to the world that Nigeria can contribute to the world of science and technolgy. I graduated from a school that lacks teachers and teaching facilities especially science equipments but was able to make best use of the available facilities to come out in flying colours.Being a religious girl, I was the secretary of Muslims Students Society while in school. While in school, I participated in different quiz competition where we emerge winners bringing glory to the science students and my school.With all this, I am very sure that I will make the best use of the opportunity if considered for the scholarship.
Here is the statement of my WAEC result
Mathematics: C5
English Language: C6
Biology: C4
Physics: C6
Economics: C4
Agricultural Science: C4
Geography: C5
Islamic Religion Knowledge:C6
An ethnic group is a group of people belonging to a nation, race or tribe that shares a cultural tradition and belief. Members have rights to share in the natural resources found in the area to which they belong. Ebira is one of the numerous ethnic groups in Nigeria, located in the north central zone of the country, formerly in Kwara state and now in Kogi state.
Ethnic divides arises because of differences in the group that tend to separate them from their peaceful coexistence: such differences can be presence of clans, political groups and religious groups. These groups tend to rule over one another, and later results in permanent divides within the ethnic group. Ebira people who were peace loving, hardworking and honest people, had as a result of all this divisions, thrown away all those good attributes and embraced hatred, deceit and heartlessness which we are now known for all over the federation. Therefore, there is no way one can discuss the impact of ethnic divide without firstly, looking at the causes.
Causes of ethnic divides in Ebira land
One of the main causes of ethnic division in the land is the existence of different religious groups which are: Islam, Christianity and traditional religions. Before the coming of Islam and Christianity, Ebira was composed of only the traditional groups with the same cultural values and beliefs. After the coming of Islam and Christianity, the people divided according to the religion each found pleasing. Problem aroused when the traditional groups keep putting up attitude that infringes on the rights of other religious groups.
In the past, there had been a prolonged fight between some of the Muslims (brothers) and the traditional groups. The traditional groups are accustomed to masquerading and any time these masquerades are out, there must be one problem or the other. Their immoral actions are always responsible for the problem that may lead to loss of lives and destruction of properties. Even between the masquerade clubs, they knew no peace with themselves. They are always at war with each other and threatening the lives of one another.
In essence, masquerades have brought more problems to the lives of Ebira people. These masquerades are supposed to be a form of entertainment when they display their talents but are instead unbearable and ugly sites especially when accompanied with violence. The Ekuechi festival in Ebira land is one of those events that could be both cultural and as well tourist attraction in Nigeria. It has failed to be one because of the evils and immoralities associated with it.
One of the most important causes of ethnic divides in Ebira land is the existence of various clans such as Ezi-Uka, Ezi-Oogu, Ezi-Omoye, Ezi-Udu, Ezi-Apasi to mention but few. These clans are even further divided into sub clans for example: in Ezi-Apasi clan, there are; Ezi-Apasi Ezi-Oroko, Ezi-Apasi Ezi-Idakoriko etc. The true purpose of these numerous clans is for the people of Ebira land to live in peace and harmony with each other but our people have turned against themselves using this clanship as yardstick.
Therefore, some of these clans have been at war with each other taking Ezi-Oogu and Ezi-Omoye clan for example. These two clans have since history been at war with each other. The problem between them started in the olden days, in the days of their great grand father who spend their time insulting themselves while masquerading. This historical fight passed from generation to generation extending to the youths of today who of course, now it things worse. All the killings, maiming and destruction of properties going on in some part of our land for the past few years, is a product of this historical fight. In addition, the problem between Ezi-Emani and Ezi-Oha in Ihima is also an example of those problems between clans. This particular fight is one that claimed many lives, properties and rendered many homeless. The question is, was these numerous clans there to turn us against ourselves?
Another major cause of ethnic divides in our land is politics, political parties and political posts. Ever since the advent of democracy in Nigeria coupled with the desire to occupy some political posts by our top Ebira men, the situation has been from worse to worst. The politicians quickly fit in themselves and helped in causing serious damages to our dare land.
Those that are supposed to be our leaders, showing good examples to the youths, have also been at war with themselves because of their selfish interests and greediness. These so called leaders do not really care about the welfare of the people but form strong groups against themselves dragging our good names to the mud.
More so, those politicians now use our dare youths as political thugs. Instead of bringing to us good dividends of democracy, what our leaders have brought to us are: shame, underdevelopment and deprivation. These politicians to carry out their evil acts use the thugs as weapons by supplying them with arms to kill our fellow Ebira people. Politics has brought much bad than good to the lives of Ebira people as a whole because of the corrupt practices of the politician. In conclusion, all these causes of division in Ebira land are complement to each other. They all worked hands in hand to bring Ebira to its present status.
Impact of ethnic divides
The impact of ethnic divides is the powerful effect that ethnic divides has on the lives of Ebira people. Ethnic divides has brought nothing to us except disasters ending lives and destroying properties. Impact of ethnic divides is discussed under these sub headings.
Loss of lives:
Many lives have been lost because of various problems going on in the land, most of which are people of high reputations. Even the innocent ones have suffered for what they knew nothing about. The lives of Ebira people are no longer safe; it is no longer valuable in the hands of those unscrupulous elements of our land. It has worsened to the extent that Ebira people in the Diasporas now fear to visit their fatherland because they do not want to end their lives for a just cause. Is it that our land does not want us anymore? Our land has been violated by people who do not even live permanently on it, they only come to supply the youths with instruments of destruction and take their leave to far away land to settle with their families forgetting that there is no place like home.
Destruction of properties:
Apart from the lives that have been lost, destruction of properties is the order of the day in our land today. Buildings, cars and other properties are not safe from destruction especially when it belongs to people in any group that are at war with each other. Our people who have the means of building house(s) no longer have the courage to build them on the land. Developments of certain areas have been limited because of this destruction of properties. No reasonable individual will like to have a property in an area where it would not be safe.
Ebira as a whole lack the necessities of life such as drinkable water, good roads, standard medical centers, good schools and electricity supply to mention but few. This is due to improper governance and greediness on the part of our so called leaders. The fact that Ebira people have refused to stand as one being an ethnic group, has gone a long way to affect the proper maintenance of our land’s natural and human resources.
More so, Ebira people lack the stamina to stand as one and fight for those rights. Those who are supposed to be in the government house representing our people are rather there representing their pockets. We as Ebira people have leaders who collect money from government for contracts that are far from execution. They spend the money meant for the development of our land in destroying it by building criminals and supplying them with arms and ammunitions. Then Ebira people may never witness the true purpose of democracy.
Lack of employment opportunities:
Due to all this forms of underdevelopments, our youths that are talented in various fields waste away as they are unable to secure employments. This in turn increases the rate of criminal activities among the youths conforming to the adage; “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”. No individual or groups will like to make an investment in an area that knew no peace over the years, for it will be a waste of capital, time and resources. Even the government establishments like Ajaokuta steel company and National iron ore mining project Itakpe which are products of the natural resources found in our land, does not make any impact on the live of our people since they are hardly employed in these companies.
In all, the vast number of youths in the land either travel to other states in search of employments or stay idle at home and may later join the hooligans. What a shame to Ebira as a whole, the leaders in particular who only invest their money and time in building criminals whereas having their own children in other states or countries. Even those who acquire various skills, sometimes lack the capital to stand on their own. Therefore, employment and lack of skill acquisition have gone a long way to wasting many talented minds.
Poor standard of education:
The standard of education in Ebira land has fallen to an unbearable level. This is because of mismanagement of school facilities, lack of teaching equipments and indiscipline on the part of students to mention but few. Ebira is in an educational era where students no longer read to pass exams. Some of the school authorities collaborate with their students to help them in exam malpractices. All these violence going on in the land now, made things worse as students are permanently stopped from going to school. In conclusion, the impact of ethnic divides is more on the lives of the youths who are the supposed leaders of tomorrow. If the youths are suffering from the divisions of our people, if they are at the receiving end of the evil practices of those who call themselves leaders, the question is what is the future of Ebira people particularly, the new generation?
The way forward
To sincerely tackle the problem in our land, all citizens, stakeholders and associates must have their hands on deck. The land can always regain its sanity by reversing all the damages done to it. Our people should come together as one, bury the hatchet and be our brother’s keeper once more. To enable the youths engage themselves productively, there should be provision of employments opportunities and skill acquisition programs. Building standard schools and providing modern teaching facilities will go a long way to sanitize the educational system in the land.
In conclusion, associations like Ebira Vonya International (EVI), Ebira People Association (EPA) etc should organize seminars to educate the youths and leaders on the consequences of being and building thugs. Also, women empowerment and skill acquisition programs should be a priority.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
EVI 2008 Scholarship Topic: Impact of Ethnic Divides on the Lives of Ebira People - By Halimat Omengwu Siyaka (EVI Scholarship Winner)
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Sunday, June 15, 2008
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1 comment:
This is a plea for help.
I have been trying to make contact with an eminent scholar from Okene. He is Dr Habibu Angulu Sani, who lectured on Public Administration for some years in the University of Ilorin and authored many books including 'Has History Been Fair to the Atta? Biography of a powerful African Ruler South of the Sahara' (Okene, Nigeria, 1997).
I want to contact him in relation to a biography which is shortly to be published about the first resident catholic missionary in Okene, Berengario Cermenati. I need to contact Dr Sani or his publisher to obtain permission to use some material from his book. I have more or less exhausted all avenues of inquiry without success. Dr Sani's book was published by 'Desmond Tutu Publishers, P.O. Box 155,12 Akoyibo Road, GRA, Okene,Kogi State.' And it was printed by the University of Ilorin Press. I have written to both publisher and printer without reply. This is a plea for help.
Can anybody please advise me on getting in touch either with Dr Sani, his publisher or the printer?
I spent some years teaching in Ibadan. I am Irish and my name is Rev. Dr Edmund M. Hogan. Currently I teach history in the Catholic University of East Africa (but a lot of my heart is in Nigeria)
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