Sunday, June 03, 2012
Egbira Vonya International Scholarship Assistance Award, August 2012
Egbira Vonya International for the entire Egbira youths for Egbira Nation has decided to award monetary Assistance to all our sons and daughters of Egbira Nation. This award would take place August 2012. The date and time of the venue would be conveyed to the general public as the time approaches.
Application Requirements
1. A comprehensive essay on the IMPORTANCE OF UNIFYING ALL EGBIRA NATION.
2. Statements of Results WAEC/NECO/JAMB must be submitted on EVI facebook wall.
3. A passport photograph of the candidate
4. A National ID or School ID
5. Letter of Recommendation from the Applicant’s Principal
6. Your contact number: Mobile number preferable
7. Your age and date of birth
8. You must be aspiring to enter University by Fall Semester
9. You must be a first year Students or would be a first year students at the University of your choice
10. Deadline to submit all of the above documents is June 5, 2012. No application would be accepted after this date.
Thank you all the interested youths who would like to enter this context. Ohiku Egbira Descendants Union and Egbira Vonya International love you all. Ensure that you all adhere strictly with the deadlines.
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Sunday, June 03, 2012
by Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Ajaokuta steel plant started in the late 70s at the same time when the first steel plant in India was built by the Russians. Since then the Indians has advanced in their steel technology while Nigerians are still scratching their heads on whether to abandoned the steel plant or sell it to other Countries to manage. Nigerian trained lots of professionals since then to be able to take over from the Russians and moved the steel project forward.
Most of the Engineers trained in the former Soviet Union then are one of the best in Engineers in the world today. Those who decided to go back to Nigeria to developed their Nation faced the reality of life. They soon realized that staying in Ajaokuta steel plant is educational death sentenced because all the knowledge they acquired in Russia would not be needed. 98 percent of those who came home were just going to their offices signing attendance.
Nigerian Government failed to provide innovative minds of those experts trained then. After a while some of them left Ajaokuta to go into University to lecture because they envisioned that Ajaokuta was a dead end road. Those who remained were systematically retired or fired because the Government do not want to continue to pay them salary. In the first place it was the Government who failed to put money where it belongs. Big budgets were allocated to Ajaokuta steel plant one hundredths of those money never made it to the plants. It was diverted for big shots used. The first Managing Director of Ajaokuta Steel plant was Dr. Ezeminary he had Ph.D meteorology which is the study of weather.
Since we have ill informed leaders. Shagari who was only a grade two teacher then before becoming a President could not differentiate between meteorology and metallurgy to him they both sound the same. He was hired to oversee the steel plant. I know in Nigeria you can be a Medical Doctor and be employed in the Bank as a Bank Manager or Cashier. Anything goes in Nigeria. Even getting a job in Nigeria does not go by merits is all about who you know. You can get a degree in toilet maintenance in Nigeria and be placed as the head of the Military Intelligence. That is too good at least he has a degree. How many of the Governors Senators, House of Representatives in Nigeria who do not have a good Secondary School education? So many of them. Meanwhile you have millions of Nigerian graduates roaming the street with first class honor without a job. Some of those first class honors took a job as Aid Assistance to all of this big shots who can not read and write. This Aid Assistance are not been used in the right way. This Aid Assistance are being used by this illiterate leaders to look for different kind of young girls that they would relax with at one hotel or the other. Meanwhile, these same illiterates, have two or three wives at home.
The well educated ones becomes servant to our so called illiterate leaders. In the morning, all you see them doing is carrying the bags of the Alhajis and Alhajas, Chiefs, Ogas etc. The brain that were supposed to be challenged are been wasted because of lack of vision to steer our Nation in the right direction. This is a clear order of the day in Nigeria para status. Those Nigerians who left the Country to other part of the world were able to compete with other counterparts to be experts in their fields. I would site just a few examples. The best trained Engineers in Canada and United States right now in the field of Metallurgy and Chemical Engineers are Nigerians. There was a problem in one of the steel plant in Canada, this problem existed for the past 10 years. They could not get an expert to resolve the issue. A young vibrant Ph.D. holder in Metallurgy trained in Russian as an Engineer resolved the problem. He is one of the Directors of steel plant now in the United States. He is a son of our land. I mean and Ebira man. Dr. Sunday A. Okomanyi. With his last name you should know that is one of us. We have others that I could not mentioned their names if not I would be writing till tomorrow.
Nigeria lacked real patriotic Nigerians. It started from the top to the bottom. Corruption is the order of the day in Nigeria. Those who do not want to be corrupt are forced out of their jobs if they serve in a sensitive position where they are blocking the chances for others to be corrupt. Or they are forced to be corrupt when they see what others are doing.
Way forward, for the Ajaokuta steel plant to succeed. Nigerian Government must be committed to spend the money on the steel plant to bring the plant into completion. Those who are in any way accountable for the welfare of the company must be held accountable. A time line must be stipulated for the completion of the steel plants. Engineers must be retrained for the new technological advancement. Engineers in our Country must have dialogue with other innovative minds of their Counterparts in other parts of the world. Knowledge must be shared among the expertise. A genuine teams must be set to evaluate the development of the steel every six months. This would not be a team that would accept cut backs to lie for the managements. If we are all ready for this, then we can call the Russians back to engage in the development of the plants. The Government must be committed if not Ajaokuta is just another Ghost town.
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Focus Effort and Determination is the map road to Success:
My fellow distinguished members of Egbira Vonya International; I would advise you to read between the lines when people who are messengers of the devils calls came in ringing your phone. They would tell you how EVI is not real. Tell them to Google EVI and they can decide for themselves. What EVI stood for is not hidden is all there in the open. Devilish people are all in our mist their mission is to look for week minds that they can easily twist. Majority of you are smarter 10 times than them. How many real EVI members have called anyone since the beginning of this turmoil trying to twist the mouth, hands and minds of any members of an organization of why they should not belong to EVI or other organization? This is the daily bread of one of our local organization. And they know themselves.
If they are real as they claimed. Why do they need hand and mouth twisting? They should allow free mind people to reason and make up their minds. A healthy organization is an organization that allows its members to be a free thinker not the one when you talk, is immediately seen as an enemy. We are in a global society where individual has direct or indirect impact in our society. Why then do we have to engage in lies? Instead of them to focus on what we can all do as an organization to flourish to ensure the menace that has permeated our Nation is dealt with by thinking of concrete programs and a combined efforts from every organization in our land to look for a way forward. I cannot believe that some of this people would call some members of this distinguished organization that has been in inception since 2004 and lied to our members that the Scholarship and the help for admission into University of Ilorin were all untrue. What would they gain by their pure lies and evil minds?
If as they claimed, the scholarship that EVI awarded in 2008 and those who are the recipients of those scholarship who are students in Ahmadu Bello University and Federal University of Science and Technology Mina who are in 400 levels as we speak are not real. That must also be untrue by their virtue of deceits. EVI operates on concrete evidence not bunch of lies manufactured by some other organizations. Whatever you are told by this hateful sets of human being you must use your deductive reasoning skills to figure out how myopic their fact and findings are.
I urge all the members of this able organization to remain focus on our mission, Let the devils continue their devilish mission at the end of the day, they would all scatter, God almighty does not like ugly, whatever ugly you conceived in your minds and hearts all would turn to vanity.
Focus, effort and determination should be our guiding principle that we can do anything we put our minds and hearts to do in this world. Therefore, success shall surely be our portion in this our journey by God’s will. Let me hear you say Amen before you start commenting. Long live Egbira Vonya International and Long Live Ohiku Descendants Union, the unity we seek would eventually become the corner stone of our Nation vibrant economy, let us denounce all sorts of hate messages and focus on real achievements. May God bless us all!
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Wisdom Speaks
by Joseph Ozigis Akomodi on Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 2:31am ·
The book of Proverbs Chapter 1 Verse 20-33 says wisdom is like a woman shouting in the street; she raises her voice in the city squares. She cries out in the noisy street and shouts at the city gates: You fools, how long would you be foolish? How long would you make fun of wisdom and hate knowledge? If only you had listened when I corrected you, I would have told you what is in my heart; I would have told you what I am thinking. I called, but you refused to listened; I held out my hand, but you paid no attention. You did not follow my advise and did not listen when I corrected you. I will laugh when you are in trouble. I will make fun when disaster strikes you, when disaster comes over you like a storm, when troubles strikes you like a whirlwind, when pain and trouble overwhelm you.
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Sunday, June 03, 2012
The reward of Wisdom
by Joseph Ozigis Akomodi on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 12:32am ·
The book of Proverbs Chapter 2 verse 1-22 tells us that: We must listen to the commandment of God. Listen carefully to wisdom; set your mind on understanding. Cry out for wisdom, and beg for understanding. Search for it like silver; and hunt for it like hidden treasure. Then you will understand respect for the Lord, and you will find that you know God. Only God give wisdom; he gives knowledge and understanding. He stores up wisdom for those who are honest. Like a shield he protects the innocent. He makes sure that justice is done, and he protects those who are loyal to him. Then you will understand what is honest and fair and what is good and and right things to do.
Wisdom will come into your mind, and knowledge will be pleasing to you. Good sense will protect you; understanding will guard you. It will keep you from the wicked, from those whose words are bad, who don't do what is right but what is evil. What they do is wrong, and their ways are dishonest. It will save you from the unfaithful wife who tries to lead you into adultery with pleasing words.
She leaves the husband she married when she was young. She ignores the promise she made before God. Her house is on the way to death; those who took that part are now all dead. No one who goes to her comes back or walks the part of life again.
Wisdom will help you be good and do what is right. Those who are honest will live in the land, and those who are innocent will remain in it. But the wicked will be removed from the land, and the unfaithful will be thrown out of it. May God almighty bless is holy words. May we seek wisdom first so that every other things will be given unto us. Thank you my brothers and sisters for your listening ears. God bless Egbira Vonya International and Ohiku Descendants Union. May the peace and unity we seek grows in our lives forever and ever amen!
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Diversity Visa Program 2013 is steadily coming out be on the lookout
Entrant Status Check
The U.S. Department of State Electronic Diversity Visa Entrant Status Check for Diversity Visa Program for DV- 2013 is available until September 30, 2013. The Entrant Status Check for (DV -2012) applicants will remain open until September 30, 2012.
Entrant Status Check Instructions
Please be sure to have the Entrant's Confirmation Number, Last Name/Family Name/Surname, andYear of Birth in order to check the entrant status online.
Please click on the link below to continue.
The web site only supports Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT: Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: A/GIS/DIR, Room 2400 SA-22, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20522-2202.
CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: AUTHORITIES: The information asked for on this form is requested pursuant to Section 222 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of State and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court. PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of State uses the facts you provide on this form primarily to determine your classification and eligibility for a U.S. immigrant visa. Individuals who fail to submit this form or who do not provide all the requested information may be denied a U.S. immigrant visa. Although furnishing this information is voluntary, failure to provide this information may delay or prevent the processing of your case. ROUTINE USES: If you are issued an immigrant visa and are subsequently admitted to the United States as an immigrant, the Department of Homeland Security will use the information on this form to issue you a Permanent Resident Card, and, if you so indicate, the Social Security Administration will use the information to issue a social security number. The information provided may also be released to federal agencies for law enforcement, counterterrorism and homeland security purposes; to Congress and courts within their sphere of jurisdiction; and to other federal agencies who may need the information to administer or enforce U.S. laws.
Consular Affairs Main Page
This site is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
Posted by
Dr. Joseph Ozigis Akomodi
Sunday, June 03, 2012
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